Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Runway landers

Dream Chaser Spacecraft Could Land At Future Ellington Airport Spaceport.

The Houston Chronicle (3/24, Berger, 2.28M) reports that Arturo Machuca, general manager of Ellington Airport, and Mark Sirangelo, corporate vice president of Sierra Nevada Corporation's Space Systems, announced yesterday that the two entities are pushing forward on efforts to land future Dream Chaser spacecraft flights at the airport once it becomes a spaceport. Machuca said that officials are "very optimistic" the FAA will approve the airport's spaceport license before July. The article notes that even though Sierra Nevada did not win a commercial crew contract from NASA, this deal would bring the company "close to both Johnson Space Center as well as the Texas Medical Center, where some research programs aboard the space station are being led." 

        Houston Public Media (3/24, Delaughter), Spaceflight Insider (3/24, Rhian), and the Examiner (3/24, Whittington, 1.01M) blog also cover the story.

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