Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fwd: Cooling suit--- LCG design very important!

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Bobby G Martin <>
Date: August 14, 2017 at 8:49:36 PM CDT
Subject: Cooling suit

More on cooling suit

February 1, 2008 — Safety scientists used principles of physiology to help keep firefighters cool in the high temperature environments they often encounter. Traditional firefighting gear considers the heat of the fire, but not the body heat generated by the firefighter. By running tubes of circulating cool water close to the skin, where the body brings warm blood, the suit pulls more heat away from the body. The suit focuses on areas where the body transfers the most heat – the scalp, chest, and forearms. See also: Matter & Energy Civil Engineering Construction Weapons Technology Materials Science Physics Nature of Water Reference Firestorm Combustion Gas laws Sulfur hexafluoride Firefighters battle flames and smoke in gear that is specially designed to insulate them -- even when temperatures exceed one thousand degrees. But the very same life-saving equipment a firefighter dons may be putting him or her at risk -- by raising body temperatures to dangerous levels. Now researchers are developing a system to cool them off while they're smack dab in the middle of the fire. Firefighting is dangerously hot work. The heat from a house fire can reach over 11-hundred degrees Fahrenheit. "It causes you to build up body heat," Jon Williams, Research Physiologist at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health told Ivanhoe. But soon -- firefighters may add another layer of protection that will subtract body heat. This is a cooling suit -- a spandex undergarment, lined with plastic tubing. Physiologists say when a firefighter starts to work hard. His body gets rid of heat by moving warm blood into the skin. These tubes allow cool water to carry the heat away from the firefighter's body. The suit is designed to concentrate on areas where the body transfers the most heat. "The scalp, the areas of the chest, the forearms. Where you get more heat transfer in those areas than you would if you were cooling another area of the body," Williams said. At the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Lab, volunteers test the suit -- by walking on a treadmill -- to raise the person's core body temperature. For this test, researchers turned on the water transfer system. The volunteer's temperature barely changed. For the second test, the cooling system was not turned on. After just a few minutes, the monitor showed a temperature spike -- his body went from ninety-seven -point-seven degrees Fahrenheit to ninety-eight-point- seven. So now, scientists hope firefighters can douse flames … and keep cool all at the same time. Hotter Houses: House materials inside and out have changed dramatically over the last three decades -- most are now made from synthetic materials rather than wood or metal. So today's blazes produce two to three times as much energy as a typical fire did in 1980, and most of that energy is released as flammable gases. The invisible gases produced in a fire can be much more dangerous than the flames, especially in enclosed spaces. Newer buildings are well insulated and tightly sealed. That means gases in newer buildings can become superheated, flammable and highly mobile. The result is extreme fire behavior, marked by life-threatening backdrafts, flashovers and gas explosions. Scores of firefighters die each year because they use old outdated methods against this volatile mix of physics and fire gases. The American Industrial Hygiene Association and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health contributed to the information contained in the video portion of this report.

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Friday, August 18, 2017


Effects of liquid cooling garments on recovery and performance time in individuals performing strenuous work wearing a firefighter ensemble. - PubMed - NCBI

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The Best Body Cooling Vest - Veskimo Personal Cooling Systems

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Heat sucker

Amazing Heat Sucker

New hardware coming out which sucks(removes) heat from extremenities by placing slight vacuum on them & circulating coolant. This improves muscle performance significantly and can be used in conjunction with the firemancooler during rest periods. By taking advantage of specialized heat-transfer veins in the palms of hands, they can rapidly cool firemans core temperatures and dramatically improve exertion recovery and performance. These networks of veins, (arteriovenous anastomoses) seem exclusively devoted to rapid temperature management. They don't supply nutrition to the skin, and they have highly variable blood flow, ranging from negligible in cold weather to as much as 60 percent of total cardiac output during hot weather or exercise.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Make a significant difference

Cooler suit will revolutionize Fire Fighting

During the summer months quite often during a major fire you see all the firemen suffering from over heating & heat exhaustion. This suit capability has been demonstrated by the space program. It will eventually be utilized by all major fire departments. Also, the heat removal device for extreminities will be use during rest periods to restore muscle capability.  

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LCG very efficient

Heat & Muscle performance---no reason for death or medical emergencies in HS Football practice

But what does overheating have to do with fatigue in the first place? Much of the lab's recent research can be summed up with Grahn's statement that "temperature is a primary limiting factor for performance." But the researchers were at a loss to understand why until recently. In 2009, it was discovered that muscle pyruvate kinase, or MPK, an enzyme that muscles need in order to generate chemical energy, was highly temperature- sensitive. At normal body temperature, the enzyme is active – but as temperatures rise, some of the enzyme begins to deform into the inactive state. By the time muscle temperatures near 104 degrees Fahrenheit, MPK activity completely shuts down. There's a very good biological reason for this shutdown. As a muscle cell increases its activity, it heats up. But if this process continues for too long, the cell will self-destruct. By shutting itself down below a critical temperature threshold, MPK serves as an elegant self-regulation system for the muscle. "Your muscle cells are saying, "You can't work that hard anymore, because if you do you're going to cook and die,'" Grahn said. When you cool the muscle cell, you return the enzyme to the active state, essentially resetting the muscle's state of fatigue. The version of the device that will be made available commercially is still being tweaked, but the researchers see applications for heat extraction in areas more important than a simple performance boost. Hyperthermia and heat stress don't just lead to fatigue – they can become medical emergencies. "And every year we hear stories about high school athletes beginning football practice in August in hot places in the country, and there are deaths due to hyperthermia," said Heller. "There's no reason why that should occur."

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Applications to patient care

This is a big area. Lots of potential. The LCG design is rather straightforward.

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Cooling suit

More on cooling suit

February 1, 2008 — Safety scientists used principles of physiology to help keep firefighters cool in the high temperature environments they often encounter. Traditional firefighting gear considers the heat of the fire, but not the body heat generated by the firefighter. By running tubes of circulating cool water close to the skin, where the body brings warm blood, the suit pulls more heat away from the body. The suit focuses on areas where the body transfers the most heat – the scalp, chest, and forearms. See also: Matter & Energy Civil Engineering Construction Weapons Technology Materials Science Physics Nature of Water Reference Firestorm Combustion Gas laws Sulfur hexafluoride Firefighters battle flames and smoke in gear that is specially designed to insulate them -- even when temperatures exceed one thousand degrees. But the very same life-saving equipment a firefighter dons may be putting him or her at risk -- by raising body temperatures to dangerous levels. Now researchers are developing a system to cool them off while they're smack dab in the middle of the fire. Firefighting is dangerously hot work. The heat from a house fire can reach over 11-hundred degrees Fahrenheit. "It causes you to build up body heat," Jon Williams, Research Physiologist at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health told Ivanhoe. But soon -- firefighters may add another layer of protection that will subtract body heat. This is a cooling suit -- a spandex undergarment, lined with plastic tubing. Physiologists say when a firefighter starts to work hard. His body gets rid of heat by moving warm blood into the skin. These tubes allow cool water to carry the heat away from the firefighter's body. The suit is designed to concentrate on areas where the body transfers the most heat. "The scalp, the areas of the chest, the forearms. Where you get more heat transfer in those areas than you would if you were cooling another area of the body," Williams said. At the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Lab, volunteers test the suit -- by walking on a treadmill -- to raise the person's core body temperature. For this test, researchers turned on the water transfer system. The volunteer's temperature barely changed. For the second test, the cooling system was not turned on. After just a few minutes, the monitor showed a temperature spike -- his body went from ninety-seven -point-seven degrees Fahrenheit to ninety-eight-point- seven. So now, scientists hope firefighters can douse flames … and keep cool all at the same time. Hotter Houses: House materials inside and out have changed dramatically over the last three decades -- most are now made from synthetic materials rather than wood or metal. So today's blazes produce two to three times as much energy as a typical fire did in 1980, and most of that energy is released as flammable gases. The invisible gases produced in a fire can be much more dangerous than the flames, especially in enclosed spaces. Newer buildings are well insulated and tightly sealed. That means gases in newer buildings can become superheated, flammable and highly mobile. The result is extreme fire behavior, marked by life-threatening backdrafts, flashovers and gas explosions. Scores of firefighters die each year because they use old outdated methods against this volatile mix of physics and fire gases. The American Industrial Hygiene Association and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health contributed to the information contained in the video portion of this report.

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Sunday, August 13, 2017